Chasing Sophistication

Dubai day 2

It’s past midnight and we’re just about ready to head to bed. Today was a day of exploration, mainly around the Marina area, and a day of finalizing arrangements. That means that unfortunately we had no time to take photos today either, but hopefully the coming days will make up for it. We’re pretty confident they will.

Tomorrow we’ll pick up the first car and the next four days we’ll mostly be driving around Dubai to meet people and get the shots we’re after. Especially if you’re a car fanatic, you’ll enjoy what’s coming next.

The Marina area was truly spectacular. Less building sites, less people, but still the draw-jopping skyscrapers and arguably even better views. I was a little surprised about how stretched out Dubai is, and how long it takes to travel from one area to the next. That being said, the pleasantly cool and fully automated metro system is a great way to get around.

It was not all sunshine and roses though. Okay, there was a lot of sunshine and it’s hot here. Did I mention it’s Ramadan so you’re not allowed to drink? That was not our best idea so far, but still, it was a good way to fully soak up the atmosphere.

Less fun was the part where walking wasn’t planned. Apparently we missed the last metro on our way home and had to walk back as a result. Due to our extremely good sense of direction however, or perhaps it was sheer fortune, we did find our way back pretty quickly.

For now it’s time to catch up on some sleep. The alarm is set for 8.30 and we’ve got a full day of driving ahead of us. Next stop; the desert.